Monday, January 25, 2010

Homework for the week 1/25 - 1/29

1. Continue working on paper due February 26
2. Read in your Purple Literature book Myths and Folk Tales Around the World page 541
3. Reading Actively -page 544
4. Read Guide for Reading page 546 answer all question
5. Read The Town and the Country Mouse page 547-548 and answer all questions on page 548
6. Read The Fox and the Crow page 549 and answer all questions on 549
7. Read Guide for Reading page 550 and answer all questions
8. Read The Mice That Set Elephants Free pages 551 - 552 and answer all questions except for Learning Options

Friday, January 22, 2010


Continue working on paper due February 26. Book report outline has be up loaded to

Thursday, January 21, 2010


In addition to the newspaper articles due on Friday, review the vocabulary and other answers for "Three Skeleton Key", test on Friday.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


1. Continue to work on your book report which is due February 26.
2. Newspaper articles summaries (2) are due on Friday.
3. In your Purple Literature Book read Guide For Reading page 516, Martin Luther King page 517, Langston Hughes poem "Mother to Son" page 518, and answer all questions on pages 518 and 519. Due on Thursday.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Literary Terms

Literary Terms Test - Test on the first 15 of the literary terms, study the words and definitions. I will not be a multiple choice test, you will have to know the meaning of all 15 words.
Newspaper summaries are due on Friday (2)
Extra Credit RESPECT poem or prose for grade 7 Academic Awards Ceremony, is due Friday.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Vocabulary test on Thursday Power Plus Lesson number 7.
Test on Friday Literary Terms 1-15.
2 Newspaper articles and summaries are also due on Friday.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Research Paper

Research Paper - Harlem Renaissance was due to be passed in before midnight January 8, 2010, any one that has not passed it in can still pass it in for half credit before midnight January 10.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Writing Prompt

Writing Prompt final draft is to be completed Tuesday. I made an error on the due date for the research paper, it's due Friday January 8. I also made a mistake for the website to do the research the last letter should be an (m), htm. Sorry for the mistake.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Writing Prompt

Hello Everyone,

Just a reminder that you have a Writing Prompt to do when we get to school on Monday, January 4. You also have a three page report due on January 7 on the Harlem Renaissance which has to be uploaded to before midnight. Make sure you use the websites that I gave to review how to do in text citations and work cited page.