Thursday, December 29, 2011


Hello Everyone,
After vacation we will start to work on the project for the third term which is research on the Harlem Renaissance. Find out some information about this time period, when it was, how it started, why it started, and who was involved in it.
Make sure you record all of the places that you gather information from to be included in your work cited page for your report.

Happy Holidays.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Book Report Final Copy

Book Report Final Copy is due Monday. Please have a parent/guardian or someone else you trust reread your final paper before you submit it. This paper is worth 30% of this terms grade.

quizlet information

Hello Everyone,
Ravi has created a group account for our class on The login is obryantela7 and the password is tigers. I hope this is helpful.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Paper is due on Monday to be uploaded before 11:59 PM. This is worth 30% of your grade for the second term. Please check the remarks I have made on your Rough Draft. Review again the Research Help information on the Cambridge Rindge & Latin School Library website; your book pages 985-987 and the website

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Power Plus Vocabulary Book G


One of your classmates came across this website for Power Plus, see if it is helpful.


Homework: Please review lesson number 8 Vocabulary Power Plus for a test on Thursday.
I will correct your book reports over the weekend so that you can make revisions for the final draft on December 19, 2011, due before 11:59 PM.
Reminder, any paper that is late will be marked down by 25% for each day late.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Homework: Book Report Rough Draft due to be uploaded to Monday before midnight. This draft counts as a test grade.
The final paper is due to be uploaded  December 19, 2011 before midnight. The final paper is worth 30% of the term grade.
I have spoken with the English teacher some of the students are going to on Monday and asked him to allow me continue to count both reports towards grades for second term. The reports are due by everyone who has been in my class.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Homework: Review pages 985 -987 in your Literature Book, either online or in the book you took home, which gives an examplar of a research paper with intext citations and a Work Cited page.

Reminder, you had to have created an account on and then entered the activation code 4726324-30.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Homework: Please study Power Plus Vocabulary Lesson 7 for test on Thursday. Continue to work on book report rough draft due December 12.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Hello Everyone,
I'm writing to let you know that I will be putting the homework on the Blog again starting today. I'm sorry for the delay in getting back online. Hopefully nothing else will distract me for the rest of the year.

Please practice your oral presentation of your newspaper article which is on Monday December 5. Continue to work on your book report rough draft that is due , no later than December 12 to be uploaded to

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Newspaper Summaries

Homework  - Due Monday September 19, 2011
Please cut out three (3) articles from The Boston Globe that interest you (NOT SPORTS OR ENTERTAINMENT).
Write at least a three (3) paragraph summary for EACH article and include why you thought it was important.
Either paste/tape your article into your newspaper binder (all sections of your article), then write your summary immediately after.
Please date your assignment.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Long Term Project

Each term you have a long term project, either written or oral, which is worth 30% of the term grade.
The project for the first term is your autobiography, it will be due no later than  October 17, 2011.
The guidelines and rubric will be given out this week.

Supplies Information

Information about supplies; you need at least five tabs, first tab for resources, vocabulary, test/quiz, classwork/Do Now, and homework. One binder is exclusively for newspaper articles, the second is for the rest of your work.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Homework - Study for test Monday on The Lord of the Flies.
Review The Hunger Game for the Writing Prompt on Tuesday/Wednesday.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Hello Grade Seven Students and Families;
Welcome to the O'Bryant.
My name is Ms. Chaney and I will be teaching four classes of grade 7 English. Please feel free to contact me anytime during the school year, my e-mail is

Supplies for my class include:
(2) two inch binders, dividers, tabs, white lined paper, (1) composition notebook, personal dictionary, black pens, red pens, pencils, colored pencils/markers, glue sticks,  and highlighter.

During the second week of school you will have an in-class writing assignment on the summer reading. This assignment will count as a test grade.
Remember to check the school website for which books you are to read for each subject and what the requirements are.

Looking forward to working with you this year.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Test - Test Thursday and Friday.
Thursday we will have a test on Myths and Legends from the Literature Book pages 632 -659.
Friday we will have a test on chapter 4 "Two Positives" made up of questions that you as a class have created.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


 Binder Check Tuesday, Rubric will be given out on Monday, 10% of your grade.

Homework - Monday have your ten questions ready for class  to be considered to be included on the test for chapter 4 in Ben Carson Gifted Hands. The test will be Thursday and will be made up of questions that you have created. Questions used will have the name of the student who created it next to it, only questions from your individual class will be used.

Homework - Tuesday - Before Reading page 646 - 647 in MacDougal Littell Literature Book; Icarus and Daedalus, Phaethon, Son of Apollo, read and answer all questions. Read and answer all side questions on pages 648 -656, After Reading page 657, questions 1 - 9, Vocabulary in Context page 658 answer all questions, Reading-Writing  Connection page 659 answer all questions.
All work is due on Tuesday.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Reminder - Work on the final copy of your research paper due on Monday April 25. The paper has to be uploaded before midnight, if it is one day late -25%, two days - 50%, three days - 75%. After three days your paper will not be accepted. This paper is worth 30% of total grade for term four.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011



Review Eleanor Roosevelt questions to study for test Thursday, including vocabulary.
Test on Monday for chapter two in Ben Carson Gifted Hands.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


 Long Term Homework - Research Paper on a Woman
Rough draft paper is due April 14, 2011 in class, this is a test grade. Please use the information given in class to work on your rough draft.
List of the things to include for rough draft are:
1.  Cover page
2.  Two - three pages of text
3.  Work Cited page
Please come prepared to do Peer Review of other students papers.

Final copy has to be uploaded to before midnight April 25, 2011 and is worth 30% of your final grade.

Homework - Newspaper summaries, please take two articles from The Boston Globe that was given in class and write a three paragraph summary for each. this is due Tuesday March 29.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Homework for Monday, finish reading The Giver chapters 18 - 23 and answer all questions in the packet. All work is due on Monday.
Homework for Wednesday is to get two articles from the newspaper and write two summaries, at least three paragraphs each, including why the article was important to you.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Homework - Study words for Spelling Bee tryouts starting Tuesday.
Vocabulary test Wednesday for chapters 9-17 in The Giver.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Vacation Homework

Homework - Read chapters 10 - 17 in The Giver answer all of the questions from the packet (7) pages. All work is due on Monday February 28.
Test on chapters 9 and 10 of The Giver Monday 2/28/2011.

Study for the grade seven Spelling Bee which will begin on Tuesday March 1.

Your reports will be graded before we go back to school on Monday.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Homework - Continue to work on your report on the Harlem Renaissance which is due no later than midnight February 16. If paper is one day late it will be marked down 25%, two days 50%, three days 75%, and no credit after that.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Homework - All classes except for homeroom 208 pass in The Giver packet Tuesday. Homeroom 208 pass in packet on Thursday January 27.

Work on research paper due on February 16, 2011. Complete information was given in class as well as e-mailed from snap grades.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011



Homework - Harlem Renaissance Research Paper

Compare and Contrast the Lives and Work

 1. Explain what the Harlem Renaissance was.
 2. Chose two people from the list provided who played important roles in the Harlem Renaissance period compare/contrast their endeavors and accomplishments. Identify their strengths and weaknesses. Were both activists?  What type of influence do they do they have on today's society?

  1. Cover page
  2. 1-2 pages for the body
  3. Work Cited page
  4. MLA format; 12 font, double spaced, Times New Roman style font 
  5. Use to upload your paper by February 16, 2011